

1 min read

A “timechain”, more commonly known as a blockchain, is a series of blocks that records transactions in chronological order, ensuring data integrity and transparency. Each block contains transaction details and is linked to the previous block, forming a secure and immutable chain.

People often use the terms “blockchain” and “timechain” interchangeably as blockchain has become the standard term to describe the technology underpinning Bitcoin. While both terms refer to the same concept, the term “blockchain” emphasizes the structure of data stored whereas the term “timechain” emphasizes the sequential and chronological order of transactions. “Timechain” can be seen as more descriptive of the process that occurs within the network.

Satoshi referred to the ledger as a “timechain” in a section of the pre-released version of the source code of Bitcoin.

Screenshot of Satoshi Nakamoto referring to Bitcoin as a timechain

Some people believe that using the original terminology better respects Satoshi’s original intentions and ideas, arguing that “blockchain” has become a buzzword associated with projects and applications that do not align with Satoshi’s original vision.