

1 min read

Fedimint, short for “Federated Mint”, is an open-source protocol for managing Bitcoin in a community setting. It is a system that uses a group of trusted members, called a federation, to hold and manage bitcoin for users. This group works together to keep the bitcoin safe and secure.

When users deposit bitcoin into a federation, they receive tokens in return called eCash, representing a claim on the bitcoin. Similar to how cash under the gold standard represented a claim on gold reserves held by banks, eCash represents a claim on bitcoin held by the federation. Just as cash could be exchanged for gold, eCash can be exchanged for bitcoin, facilitating the management and exchange of these digital assets within the Fedimint system. These transactions are private and cannot be easily traced back to the user. Federations also make use of the lightning network to make transactions faster and cheaper, which reduces the overall load of the Bitcoin network.

A risk of Fedimint is the reliance on trusted federation members to manage bitcoin custody securely and honestly. The community aspect of Fedimint helps combat this risk by distributing trust across multiple federation members. Additionally, the community can monitor and hold federation members accountable, increasing transparency and trust.